The Junkyard Social Club of Boulder, Colorado, is a unique, eclectic gathering of like-minded individuals devoted to cleaning up local junkyards and helping the environment. Founded in 2020, the club works to remove hazardous debris and materials, recycle or donate to charity, and convert the land into public parks or recreational areas for the community. The club is open to newcomers and long-time members who want to help and have a lot of fun doing it. Learn more here.

The Junkyard Social Club was born from the idea of turning trash into treasure. Club members are passionate about the environment and believe in the community’s power to bring about positive change. The Boulder community has always had a reputation for embracing the outdoors and promoting sustainable living, so removing hazardous debris and giving old tattered items a new life fits right into that ethos. Learn more about A unique Place: Junkyard Social Club in Boulder, CO.

At its heart, the Junkyard Social Club is a group of individuals working together to create something beautiful out of the ruins of pollution. Every club member is committed to reducing waste and contributing to a healthier planet. Club members meet up regularly to clean and beautify the local junkyards, and each outing is as much a social event as it is a service project.
